Aarhus University Seal

Open & Agile Smart Cities

The Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC) initiative is a collaboration between smart cities across the world. The vision of the Open & Agile Smart Cities initiative is to create an open smart city market based on the needs of cities and communities. Cities need interoperability and standards to boost competitiveness by avoiding vendor lock-in, comparability to benchmark performance, and easy sharing of best practices. They also need solutions that can be implemented with respect for local practices and job creation. Thus, to achieve common standards the participating smart cities have signed a declaration of intent to follow OASCs guidelines on an actor-driven approach to build relevant smart city solutions.


It is possible to become a member of the intiative as a city, if you participate in cooperation with a partner city of the same country. Currently, 75 cities from 15 countries are part of OASC.